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Wireless N64 Controller

I decided to make a wireless N64 Controller because that sounds awesome.  Unfortunately I have zero experience or skills required to actually be able to make one, but whatever I'm doing it anyway.  Some googling will lead you to discover a project created by a german genius who not only made wireless NES, SNES, Sega Saturn, and N64 controllers, he made them cross console compatible.  Here's the links to the youtube video he made and the forum he posted the mod:

On the youtube video description there's a link to the guide that actually tells you how to make the mods.  It tells you everything you need to be able to make a wireless controller, all the parts, wiring diagrams, and a bunch of helpful pictures and info.  So if you want to make one for yourself, go get that guide.
On this blog I'm going to show the process of actually making an N64 controller wireless.  This project was the first time I've ever even used a soldering iron, so things get a little messy.  There was plenty of stuff to learn along the way and I hope anyone in my position can come here and pick up some useful information.

Picture of all the parts

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